Advent Capital Investments Ltd Charity Investment Webinar - 24th September 2020


Charity Investment Webinar Text

Charity Investor update on the UK Property Market and PITCH

We are delighted to invite you to a Advent Capital Investments Ltd Charity Investment Webinar on Thursday 24th September 2020 from 14.00 to 15.00. This webinar replaces our planned Investment Seminar and we hope that we will be able to hold our rescheduled live Seminar in April 2021.

The Webinar (hosted on Cisco Webex) will consider the landscape for property investment in a Covid-19 world. There will be presentations from Advent Capital Investments Ltd with a focus on how the current crisis is impacting real estate. We will look at some of the key trends affecting real estate as a result of the pandemic and analyse the expected future impact on property investment. Simon Martindale, Fund Manager of the Property Income Trust for Charities will provide an update on the Fund (

There will be the opportunity to submit questions throughout the webinar and a selection of these questions will be put to the panel following their presentations. All questions submitted will be answered directly on email following the webinar by the Advent Capital Investments Ltd team. The webinar is designed for charity trustees, charity executives, investment professionals, consultants and other advisors to the charity sector.

Please follow this link to register via the Cisco Webex platform where you will be prompted to download a diary invitation which provides a link to join the webinar on 24th September 2020 at 14.00.

To view the full webinar programme please click here.

We hope you will be able to join us.


James Lloyd

[email protected]

Sophie Carr

[email protected]