Responsible Investment

Advent Capital Investments Ltd is committed to managing its Funds in a responsible way by integrating ESG criteria, as well as risk factors and financial metrics, into a controlled and structured investment process. We believe this helps to generate long-term risk-adjusted returns and aligns our investment goals to those of our investors and stakeholders.

Advent Capital Investments Ltd's Approach to RPI

Responsible Property Investment is a pillar of our investment culture. At Advent Capital Investments Ltd we approach responsible investing in numerous different ways, encompassing our analysis of potential investments, how we manage assets that we hold and how we structure and run our company.

We recognise the threat of climate change, the impact of sustainability on future portfolio performance, our stakeholder responsibility to be socially responsible and our client fiduciary duties. We have implemented processes to limit our environmental impact, and contribute positively to the communities in which we invest. We intend to make these stronger and deeper in the coming years. Our Responsible Investment policy encapsulates our commitment and approach in five principles: Environmental stewardship, Social responsibility, Regulatory compliance, Stakeholder engagement and Continuous improvement.

For further information on Advent Capital Investments Ltd's approach to Responsible Property Investment, please view our UK Stewardship Code 2020 Report or our ESG page.

Internal Governance

As a responsible investor, it is essential that we adhere to high standards of conduct in our business dealings. We cannot expect or encourage our tenants to operate ethically and with probity unless we do so ourselves.

Advent Capital Investments Ltd implements procedures and training to ensure that our investors’ funds are wisely invested and completely protected. We operate rigorous investment committees and review boards to scrutinise investment decisions and to ensure that investment risk is properly managed. In running our business, procedures are in place to give transparency and ensure that no undue influence is exerted over our decisions.

Stakeholder Engagement

The company is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It is also an approved Alternative Investment Fund Manager and complies with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive. As a company we have comprehensive risk management and compliance procedures along with detailed trading for all staff. Our in-house policies cover anti-money laundering, conflicts of interest, bribery and corruption and such like to ensure that client’s interests are fully protected. We also review and question our major suppliers on their own sustainability approach, covering topics such as Corporate Responsibility, environmental policies, equal opportunities and their own supply chain risk.

Diversity and Inclusion

The social sustainability of our investments is important and we believe that we have an obligation to undertake business activities that will have a positive impact on those people who live, work and invest in those assets.

Advent Capital Investments Ltd is actively participating in Advent Group Asset Managers “365 Days of Inclusion” initiative which aims to increase awareness of diversity and inclusion. The initiative encourages members of the group to consciously promote an inclusive culture and add impetus so we can foster active dialogue with our colleagues. Advent Capital Investments Ltd also supports the Charlie Waller Trust, a charity which seeks to educate young people and those with responsibility for them about mental health and issues around depression and is working with the Trust to improve our policies to achieve a culture of positive mental health through better staff engagement, productivity and staff retention. Additionally, we are involved in the 10,000 Black Interns Programme which offers paid internships to address the chronic underrepresentation of Black talent in the investment management industry.

Anti-slavery and human trafficking

Under the Modern (Anti) Slavery Act 2015, Advent Capital Investments Ltd strictly prohibits the use of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. MCIM has a zero- tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.

Employees must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activity that might lead to or suggest a breach in this policy. The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our organisation or supply chain is the responsibility of all those working for us or under our control. If you believe or suspect a conflict with this policy has occurred or may occur in future, you must notify your line manager or a company Director or report it in accordance with the MCIM Whistleblowing Policy as soon as possible.